
The reason why Fusubon is not low in calories: lipid and carbohydrate restrictions

Why Husubon is not low in calories Why Husubon is not low in calories

Hello, I'm the owner of Fusubon.

We often receive questions from customers asking, "Isn't the calorie count that low?" So today, we will explain why the calorie count of fusubon is relatively high.

The reason why fusubon is not low in calories is that while the carbohydrate content is low, many products still contain a certain amount of fat .

Many people believe that high fat content leads to weight gain, so there are many products on the market that advertise low fat and low calorie content, but the concept of Fusubon is to consume the standard calorie intake and limit carbohydrate intake. I will explain why we recommend consuming a certain amount of fat.

Is fat bad for the body?

When we look at or touch oil, it is sticky and looks like it might be bad for our health. However, there are oils like olive oil that seem to be good for our health.

In the past, I used to leave the fat off meat, and I thought that fried food was bad for the body because it was full of oil. I also thought that the fat in meat would just become our fat.
However, this approach ignored metabolism.

It is true that there are oils that are bad for the body. These are oxidized oils and artificial oils such as margarine (trans fatty acids). However, there are fewer other oils that are bad for the body, and consuming oils is much better for the body than consuming too much sugar .

The DIRECT study showed that fats in combination with carbohydrate restriction are not harmful to the body

A famous paper that shows this is called the DIRECT study .

"Carbohydrate-restricted diet without calorie restriction"
Low calorie, low fat diet
"Low calorie Mediterranean diet"

The participants were divided into three groups and each group followed the diet for two years (July 2005 to June 2007), and the results showed that the "carbohydrate-restricted diet without calorie restriction" resulted in greater weight loss than other diets. It lowered triglyceride levels. It increased HDL (good) cholesterol. It improved HbA1c in people with diabetes.

As can be seen from the above test, consuming an extremely large amount (more than 200g of fat per day) will make you gain weight, but adult women who consume around 2,000 kcal and restrict carbohydrate intake will not gain weight.

The main cause of weight gain is consuming too much sugar

As direct testing shows, carbohydrates are more likely to make you fat than fat. If you eat too much carbohydrate, it will be stored in your liver and muscles as glycogen, and if you eat more than that, it will accumulate in your body as triglycerides.
That alone would be fine, but it also causes massive secretion of insulin and glycation, the process in which sugar binds with protein, which produces a lot of active oxygen and accelerates cellular aging.

This causes inflammation in the blood vessels. Cholesterol accumulates in an attempt to repair the damage to the blood vessels, narrowing the cross-sectional area of ​​the inner walls of the blood vessels. Cholesterol is often blamed for this, but cholesterol itself is not a problem if inflammation in the blood vessels can be prevented.

If you limit your carbohydrate intake and take in plenty of vitamins and minerals (specifically, less than 130g of carbohydrates per day, or 60g or less if you can), the pathway that uses fat as energy becomes dominant. If you consume a lot of carbohydrates, you will never be able to burn fat.

For those on diets who are restricting fat intake, we recommend that you stop reducing fat intake, reduce carbohydrates as much as possible, and ensure that you are taking in plenty of vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, magnesium, and iron for women). If you still can't lose weight, try reducing fat intake little by little for the first time.

Another reason why husubon is not too low in calories

As mentioned at the beginning, fusubon is low in carbohydrates, but it also contains a lot of good quality fats, so many products are not low in calories.

Fusubon recommends consuming lipids because, in addition to the fact that essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are the raw materials used to make cell membranes, lipids also give food a rich, sweet taste .
In other words, when you are limiting carbohydrates, fats are the key to making your food delicious, and deliciousness is the key to sustaining carbohydrate restriction.

At Fusubon, we also create delicious food by combining high-quality fats such as fresh cream, cheese, and butter with natural sugar-free sweeteners. Traditional non-oil dressings are often thought to be good for you, but that's not the case. Most non-oil dressings use sugar or artificial sweeteners for flavoring. Sugar-free mayonnaise, soy sauce, and dressings that use natural sweeteners (erythritol, stevia, monk fruit) and olive oil or MCT oil are far healthier. Butter, a good fat Butter, a good fat

Recommended lipids for carbohydrate restriction

Omega-3 essential fatty acids

Omega-3 is an oil that you should take every day because it cannot be synthesized in the body. It is important for creating cell membranes. Be sure to take 2g per day. It is found in large amounts in blue fish, perilla leaves, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, etc., but it is difficult to take it every day and it is sensitive to heat, so it is recommended to take it in the form of a supplement. In this case, it is said that the best source of omega-3 is small fish such as krill. This is because there is almost no accumulation of heavy metals. In addition, many supplements that contain krill oil, an antioxidant called astaxanthin, have recently been recommended.

Saturated medium chain fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids are basically animal fats. They are liquid at room temperature and above, but when the temperature drops slightly below room temperature, they turn white and solidify.
Among these, medium-chain fatty acids are shorter than long-chain fatty acids and are less likely to be stored in the body as fat and are used directly as energy, making them perfect for those restricting carbohydrate intake.
Coconut oil is famous for being a source of medium-chain fatty acids. MCT oil is extracted by removing unnecessary components such as aroma from coconut oil. You can use it according to your preference. We recommend adding it to dressings and smoothies.

Omega 9

Omega-9 (oleic acid) is not an essential fatty acid, but if you are taking in too much omega-6 (linoleic acid), olive oil, which is rich in omega-9, is recommended. Olive oil has the property of being resistant to oxidation. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E. It also contains antioxidants such as beta-carotene and polyphenols, which prevent cell aging and help keep the body young from the inside.


I hope this has changed your perception that fats are bad for you. This discussion is based on the assumption that you have stopped eating sugar and have reduced your carbohydrate intake . If you eat a lot of oil while still consuming carbohydrates, you will gain weight and develop various diseases. Please continue to limit your carbohydrate intake by making good use of fats.
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