
Tips for losing weight and how to lose it

Hello! I'm the owner of Fusubon.

I ate a lot of sweets and desserts from year-end parties, New Year's parties, sleeping through the New Year, and living an irregular lifestyle.
When you go out to eat with family or friends, you end up breaking your carbohydrate restriction.
The New Year's holiday, which is accompanied by alcohol and feasting, is one of the most common times of the year for gaining weight, along with the Obon holiday.

After the break, I gained 1kg. Isn't this a common occurrence?

I don't think there's anything wrong with eating what you like every once in a while, whether it's for social reasons or to relieve stress, but if you continue to eat the foods you like after the New Year, you'll just end up gaining weight.

We will tell you some measures to help alleviate that "New Year weight gain" and tips and steps to help you lose weight.

Before the New Year's weight gain


When lifting your carbohydrate restriction, just pay attention to the order in which you eat your food, eating vegetables, protein, fat, etc. first, and carbohydrates last if possible. This will slow down the rise in blood sugar levels a little.

After gaining weight over the New Year

Next, we'll tell you how to get rid of the weight you gained over the New Year.

First, stop drinking alcohol and sugary products.

Sweets and desserts contain a lot of sugar and are addictive. Once you start eating them, you will want to eat them again the next day. This will lead to you eating sweets every day. In that case, no matter how much you avoid carbohydrates, it will be meaningless. Even if you allow yourself to consume carbohydrates, you should stop eating sugar products after the weight gain from the New Year holidays.

Also, avoid high-sugar alcohol such as sake, beer, and wine. Of course, there is no problem with consuming low-sugar distilled alcohol such as highballs and shochu.

If you are always hungry, try sweets from Husbon to help break the sugar addiction. If you stop for a week, you will no longer crave them.

Gradually reduce carbohydrates and switch to a low-sugar, high-protein, high-fat diet

Once you've cut out sugar, you're one step closer to success - increase your protein and fat intake and gradually reduce your carbohydrate intake.

In such cases, Husbon bread can be used as a carbohydrate substitute.

Take supplements regularly

Finally, to burn fat efficiently, be sure to take vitamin and mineral supplements such as B vitamins and magnesium. For reference, please see the related article below for the supplements I take.

If you gain weight over the New Year, don't panic! If the worst happens, we'll help you via LINE!

You should slowly work on losing the weight you gained over the New Year period, with the mindset that you will lose it by the end of January. If you stop eating sugar in the first week, gradually reduce your carbohydrate intake from the second week, and then limit your carbohydrate intake in the last two weeks while also incorporating a little exercise, you can easily lose about 2 to 3 kg.

If you purchase Fusubon, the owner and Daikanyama store manager will manage your meals via LINE, so if you are unable to manage your meals yourself, please send us a message on LINE.

see you!

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