A lineup of flavored nuts that are essential for carbohydrate restriction
Characteristics of low-carb snacks (flavored nuts)
Nuts are low in sugar, high in protein, and high-quality fats, making them a great snack for those on a sugar-restricted diet . However, don't you get bored of eating only plain or salty nuts? At Fusubon, we coat our nuts with our original sugar-free chocolate or caramelize them with natural sweeteners to make them easier to eat. Please give our original Fusubon nuts a try.
Low carb snack (nut) flavors
The lineup includes pecan nuts coated with Fusubon's original unsweetened chocolate, and chocolate tablets mixed with almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Sales of the mixed nuts caramelized are currently suspended. We are currently developing spicy curry flavor, sweet butter flavor, and smoked truffle flavor.
How to enjoy low-carb snacks (flavored nuts)
Pecan Nuts with Fusbon Chocolate and Caramelized Mixed Nuts can be eaten straight out of the freezer. By eating them cold, you can enjoy the crispy texture of the chocolate. They melt easily at body temperature, so we recommend transferring only the amount you want to eat onto a small plate. After opening, you can store them in either the refrigerator or the freezer without affecting their quality.